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All materials provided by this Website are intended for training, communication and information purposes.
ICON intends for the information contained in this website to be accurate. Public training and information materials contained in this site have been reviewed and approved by the site’s web editors. However, due to error occurrence, ICON disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this website. Under no circumstances, shall ICON be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of reliance on any content of the website contained herein.
ICON does not assume and hereby disclaims any and all liability to an entity for any claims, damages, liability or other loss including, without limitation, any liability for damage resulting from reliance on this website or from the posting of any content or material by any third party. No material included in this site shall be deemed to present necessarily the best method or procedure with respect to a matter discussed on this website; rather, any such material shall be acknowledged as the approach or opinion of the discussant.